
Analysis: Is Phelan Toxic for House Members?
Phelan’s popularity will be tested in 16 districts where he has directly contributed cash to Republican members of the Texas House being challenged in their primaries.

Y’All Answered: What Do You Call The Border-Crossers?
Readers offer their insights and experiences.

Citizens Reflect on the Passing of Conservative Leader Jill Glover
Her activism and dedication to the advancement of self-governance—notably the protection of children—led her to receive a Conservative Leader Award in 2020.
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Commentary Archive
Letters to the Editor, Week of August 15
In this week's mailbag, we hear about taxpayers getting gouged, out of control HOAs, and obstruction in Hill County! Editor's note: Each week we publish commentary from our subscribers. Commentary may be edited according to community standards. Coppell ISD:...
Let’s Call “Robin Hood” What It Is: A State Property Tax
In 2016, property values in Collin County increased by an average of 8.9%. No doubt, with the move of Toyota and other large companies to the County, it’s a great place to live in, and in great demand, which drives property values up. However, there is a downside to...
Letters to the Editor, Week of August 1
In this week's mailbag, a response to last week's article by Michael Quinn Sullivan: Not Your Kids, and concern over county budgets. Editor's note: We publish commentary from our subscribers on a regular basis. Commentary may be edited according to community...
Letters to the Editor, Week of July 4
In this week's mailbag, we hear responses to State Sen. Konni Burton's commentary: Local Control: A Tool, Not The Rule Editor's note: We publish commentary from our subscribers on a weekly basis. Commentary may be edited according to community standards. Actually the...
A Solution to Local Apathy
One can imagine, or has even experienced, confusion, ignorance and apathy that usually accompany most local elections for ESDs, ISDs, MUDs, etc., which often take place in obscure polling places and at different times. I believe that aggregating the election process...
Local Control: A Tool, Not The Rule
As we near the beginning of the next legislative session, tension between the state and local governments on a number of issues is apparent. Whether it’s the growth of the local property tax burden on Texas families and businesses, restrictive ordinances killing...
Social Engineering of State Highway Users by Liberal Government is California-ising Texas
Many liberty losing policies originate in California. The Texas Department of Transportation (state highway system.) California-ised state roads this week by restricting use of highway lanes by barring 92 – 97% of drivers from restricted lanes labeled as HOV-BUS...
Observations from the Recent Property Tax Hearings
In the face of skyrocketing appraisals and a crushing property tax burden levied on working families and retired Texans on a fixed income, the Texas Senate will lead the fight for meaningful property tax reform with the leadership of Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick....
Nobody Is Above An Ethics Policy
When I first ran for Keller City Council in November 2014, I was motivated by what I felt was a lack of communication, transparency, and accountability from Town Hall. Effective representation at any level of government requires our elected officials to conduct...