
Commentary Archive


Szwarc: What Is a Republican?

I am probably not alone in feeling disheartened by elected officials who are proving themselves to be politicians rather than public servants who do the right thing by the people who elected them. What does it mean to be a Republican? To Texans—especially in...

Francis: Time for Clarity

It is 2020. It is time for clarity about where we are and where we are going as a nation. It is time for clarity about the fight we are in and what is at stake. For over 244 years, the United States was a place that welcomed and fostered differing opinions. In stark...


Ellis: Looking at the House

Virtually all election analysts are predicting that the Democrats will maintain their majority in next week’s national election with the principal unanswered question prompting speculation about whether they will add members to their party conference. Irrespective of...


Norred: Joe Biden and Media Corruption

If you ever thought for a minute that the mainstream media has an ounce of integrity, the Ukraine-Biden laptop story should put an end to it. Mainstream media is demonstrating its lockstep with the Democrat party in such a blatant way that no reasonable person can see...

King: The Furor Over Herd Immunity

A group of the world’s top epidemiologists and medical researchers set off a fire storm of controversy recently by issuing what has come to be known as the Great Barrington Declaration. The declaration argues that the collateral consequences of severe...


Woke Versus Winning

It has become all the rage within the woke circles of evangelicalism for “conservative” pastors to take this president to task in a way they never did with previous occupants of the White House. They focus on his style, without considering results or substance. This...

Rinaldi: The Forgotten House Speaker Race 

You might not know it, but there is actually a House Speaker’s race that will conclude in less than three months. The level of interest is certainly muted compared to 2019. Perhaps this is because we are approaching one of the most important elections in history,...