Which Delwin Jones Is This?

There must be are two men named Delwin Jones. One campaigns in Lubbock as a conservative. The other legislates in Austin like a liberal. His hometown paper helps keep up the myth, by failing to mention his voting record, just his campaign promises that aren’t kept....

Conventional Tactics Cost Taxpayers

Conventional waste is coming to Dallas, with the city council planning to purchase a plot of downtown land on which to build an attached Dallas Convention Center hotel. The purchase of land is estimated to set taxpayers back up to $41.3 million. All for something the...

Reform Doesn’t Have To Be Expensive

When politicians talk about “reform” in criminal justice, you have to clutch your wallet tightly, because all too often they are looking to spend a lot more of your money — and make you feel guilty for asking a question. But last Session the House...

Reading, Writing & Spending

Austin school trustees have been up to their favorite extracurricular activity: spending your money. Next month voters will be asked to approve a $345 million bond package according to the Austin American Statesman. It’s for the children, so everyone open your...

William F. Buckley Jr. – RIP

We have lost one of the most eloquent defenders of the conservative movement and the cause of liberty. William F. Buckley Jr., founder of National Review, died last night at his home in Stamford, Connecticut. May he rest in peace.

He Is An ‘L’

In Waco we have the curious case of State Rep. Chales “Doc” Anderson being challenged by the son of a former state senator David Sibley. When the race started, the son-of-a-former-state-senator had only his family name as a claim to fame. Now he’s...

Who Do You Trust?

Not government. A nationwide survey of 1,652 adults by the Association of Government Accountants. People reported being displeased with the openness and honesty of their state and local governments. Texas lawmakers passed landmark legislation putting all state...

PAC Attracts Grassroots Support

With less than a week remaining in the 2008 primary campaign season, the political action committee associated with Texans for Fiscal Responsibility has raised more than $325,000. The organization works with activists from across the state on tax and spending issues....

Texas’ Supersized Superintendent Salaries Exposed

KEYE-TV has a revealing story tonight on excessive salaries paid to Texas superintendents, some of which are over $300,000. While the Texas Education Agency posts superintendents’ base salary, one must look at the contracts to see the total compensation, which...

Maybe Wade Was Too Busy Suing Someone…

The Athens Review has a Q&A up with Wade Gent, the trial lawyer running against conservative champion Betty Brown. He may be a decent lawyer, but he apparently doesn’t know much about the state legislature. Maybe he was too busy filing frivilous lawsuits to...

No Principles, Good At Any Price

In the race for House District 61, former Weatherford mayor Joe Tison told the Fort Worth Star Telegram today that “he would consider changing his position on any issue if he believed that a majority of his constituents felt differently.“ In short, Joe Tison believes...

Are Republicans Wasting Their Votes?

I have had a couple of conversations since early voting began yesterday with long-time Republican voters who are chosing to vote in the Democrat Primary. These Republicans are attempting to chose the candidate that they perceive is easier for Republicans to defeat in...

An Endorsement That Wasn’t

Politicians are very careful about who and how they endorse, and how and who they don’t. But apparently incumbent State Rep. Jerry Madden of Plano has been playing fast and loose with his endorsement list… And Attorney General Greg Abbott is rightly...

Stafford’s Stink

When liberal editorial page editors make endorsements, particularly in a Republican Primary, one has to expect to wear waders and a nose clip. But the Dallas Morning News’ endorsement of Charles Stafford of Denton reeks of bad ideas that he apparently stunk up...

Haggerty the Benevolent

Nothing’s quite so distasteful in our democratic republic as an autocratic politician who demands that his every word and action be seen as benevolent kindness by those over whom he rules, er, represents. Such is the case with El Paso’s Pat Haggerty. Haggerty...

Vote on Whether Dallas Taxpayer Dollars Should Pay for Hotel

The Dallas City Council voted on February 13 to enter into a lease-purchase agreement under which taxpayer dollars would subsidize a convention center hotel. The Dallas Business Journal has an online poll in which you can vote on whether this is an appropriate use of...