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Call Off Revenue Hunt

It's telling that lawmakers are so busily pursuing new revenues this week, while the Appropriations Committee has refused to allow legislation to the floor that would limit future government growth. Conservatives should be worried about such priorities. Legislation is...

Make Spending Limits Real

This legislative session has revealed the importance of keeping a tight control over government spending in good times, so that bad times aren’t nearly so rough. But with just days left in Texas’ legislative session, hopes are dimming for such reform unless lawmakers...

Who Opposes College Transparency?

A Texas senator is staunchly defending the higher education establishment by opposing efforts to make college more affordable and accessible. That’s bad news for working families and students struggling to pay tuition. According to news reports, State Sen. Judith...

Stood Up And Won

Conservative senators stood up to the big spenders and won. They protected the state’s rainy day fund from misuse and put the state on the right trajectory for a fiscally responsible budget. Texas’ taxpayers were heard, loud and clear, during the budget process in...

Senate “tradition” or Constitutional requirement?

Democrats are upset in the Texas Senate as Republicans set aside the Senate tradition of requiring the approval of two-thirds of the members before a bill can be voted upon by the body. “We were not sent down here to preserve the two-thirds rule. We were sent here to...

Ogden Removes RDF From Senate Proposal

Senate Finance Chairman Steve Ogden announced on the chamber's floor today he would remove use of the Rainy Day Fund as an automatic financing method for the 2012-2013 budget. The president of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility offered the following statement. “We...

Using The RDF Right

When grow-government shills get desperate, they can be counted on to lie, distort and misrepresent. Such is the case on and around the Senate floor today. Liberal activists are passing around a 2009 letter from conservatives -- including Texans for Fiscal...

Revenue Over Reform

There has been a great deal of Legislative attention focused on the hunt for new revenues, but almost none has been directed toward meaningful reform meant to avoid this type of shortfall in the future by limiting the state's overspending. While the Texas Senate...

Senate Can Get Budget Right

Budget hope is not lost in the Texas Senate. Indeed, resurgent conservatives in the upper chamber are pushing the right priorities. Now we'll see if leadership will respond with the right numbers. The Senate's budget spends too much money that the state simply doesn't...

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