Reflections on Life & Liberty

Reflections on Life & Liberty

So much time is spent "in the fight" that it is easy to forget what we are supposed to be fighting for. To answer that, join Michael Quinn Sullivan each week as he puts the continuing fight for life and liberty in historical, biblical, and personal context.


What Do We Remember?

What Do We Remember?

Memorial Day should be about more than mattress sales and cookouts.

You Rule

You Rule

As a self-governing nation, each of us are leaders. Do we act like it?

Killing Liberty

Killing Liberty

Liberty will die on these shores only after we have killed it in our hearts. And so it is only by turning our hearts back to self-governance that we can save our republic.

Now, But Not Yet

Now, But Not Yet

As a self-governing people, we must daily work to build a more perfect union.

Wasteful Spending

Wasteful Spending

We need to redefine government waste to be “anything not explicitly authorized by the constitution.”

Let Them Whine

Let Them Whine

Our system of government requires an informed and engaged citizenry, even when the politicians don’t like it. Especially because they don’t like it.

The Long, Deadly, Sick Joke

The Long, Deadly, Sick Joke

Socialists, progressives, communists, and Marxists are the flat-earthers of political and economic thought.

Promises, Promises

Promises, Promises

Republicans must be something more than a speed bump on the road to serfdom.

The Alamo Fell

The Alamo Fell

Most of us aren’t called to man the walls of an old church, outnumbered by superior forces, but all of us are called to face a hostile world.

The Real Parties

The Real Parties

Two political parties are in a fierce competition, with nothing less than the fate of the Republic riding on the outcome. The two parties aren’t who you think.

Public Morals And Private Morality

Public Morals And Private Morality

Reputation is what people see us do; character is what we do when we think no one is watching. The two almost always converge.

Serving Two Masters

Serving Two Masters

The citizens’ precious liberties are routinely sacrificed by politicians at the altar of contrived congeniality in the crony religion of self-promotion.

Confusing Volume And Mass

Confusing Volume And Mass

Depending on your perspective, campaigns either try to convert political volume into a mass of support through messaging, or use the volume of messaging to conceal their lack of mass.

School Board Idiots?

Whatever bad things, like Mark Twain, one has to say about school boards are more appropriately directed at the citizens who elect them.

Remembering Matters

Remembering Matters

The Holocaust was the natural result of the worldview embraced by the Nazis and socialist movements around the world. When one abandons God and His precepts, when one looks to government as the savior, a cult of death and destruction is but a step away.

Written Words Matter

Written Words Matter

We safeguard old writings as a way to demonstrate that, yes, we still mean what we said.

Great Responsibility

Great Responsibility

We are witnesses to the bounty the blessing of liberty can bring, but in our sloth we risk shrugging it off… and falling away.

Be Committed

Be Committed

As activists, we must be committed to the long fight – to a willingness to fight for a better tomorrow we might not ourselves see.

Looking Beyond Christmas

Looking Beyond Christmas

Christmas doesn’t make sense unless we remember that the baby in the manger is the Savior who conquered sin and death.

Liberty Is Good

Liberty Is Good

Liberty is not an economic tool, but a moral imperative.

Spiritualized Cowardice

Spiritualized Cowardice

If liberty is to die here, that death will have been preceded by whimpers of ecclesiastical acquiescence.

Be A Troubler

Be A Troubler

When others fall under the self-induced spell of a false prophet, we must cause trouble by speaking the truth ever more loudly and boldly.

Jesus And Wealth

Jesus And Wealth

Like Hunter Biden, wealth and political status were intertwined for the rich young man in the often misquoted New Testament story.

Joyful Responsibility

Joyful Responsibility

We cannot delegate the preservation of our republic to someone else.

Happy Warriors

Happy Warriors

The issues facing our republic are deadly serious, but that doesn’t mean we always have to be.