
Paxton Probes Claims of Noncitizens Being Registered to Vote Outside Driver License Offices
“It is a crime to vote—or to register to vote—if you are not a United States Citizen. Any wrongdoing will be punished to the fullest extent of the law,” said Paxton.

State Rep. Harrison Blasts Texas A&M for Continuing DEI Classes
The lawmaker said he confirmed the existence of the classes, such as “Black Feminist Thought,” after contacting Texas A&M.

Pro-family ‘See You at the Library’ Events to be Held Across Texas Saturday
The “pro-God, pro-America” story hours started by Kirk Cameron and BRAVE Books will include 39 parent-led events.

Incoming Lawmakers Challenge TxDOT’s Plan to Maintain Tolls After $1.7 Billion Buyout
The Republican Party of Texas platform calls on the Texas Legislature to “abolish existing toll roads and prohibit future construction.”
State Archive
Innovation, Not Debt, Key to Better Schools
As Americans head to the polls for the November election, we will be choosing new servants to head our federal, state and county governments. Easy to overlook, but just as important, will be bond packages presented by local taxing authorities. Bonds are not free...
2014 Races Dependent on 2013 Outcomes
Until Rick Perry and David Dewhurst make their 2014 intentions public, we can expect rampant media speculation. But the key to both men’s re-election chances, and to the 2014 elections in general, is largely going overlooked: 2013. What the media, and Texans as a...
Big Government Down-Ballot
Races at the top of the ticket always get the most attention, but the proposals, initiatives, and referendums down-ballot often hit Texan’s wallets the hardest. Austin, San Antonio, Houston and El Paso are where the most noteworthy pushes for higher taxes and more...
Straus Spokesman Spins
Grassroots who have been frustrated by the lack of progress on key legislative reforms under moderate Speaker Joe Straus just haven't been paying attention—or so says his spokesman. And according to Straus spokesman Jason Embry—a former reporter for the Austin...
Tax Hikes When You Least Expect Them
Texans have become accustomed to voting in general elections in May and November, but Tax Ratification Elections – votes that explicitly hike property taxes – often are not held on a uniform election date. School districts are making a mockery of laws intended to...
Erase The Margins
Texas has gained a reputation for being a low-tax, small government state, mainly in comparison to the other 49 (or is it 56?) states. While we get kudos for doing better than many, the Lone Star State still has a ways to go if we want to be truly...
Easy Cutting
Texas has led the nation in economic development thanks to tort reform, an entrepreneur-friendly regulatory environment, a tax burden generally lower than other states, and a prohibition against an income tax. So for lawmakers looking to save money, they could free up...
FreedomWorks Fires Early Shot In Speakership Race
One of the nation's leading grassroots groups, FreedomWorks, stepped out this week with an early speakership endorsement for the Texas House. As noted shortly after by AgendaWise, this early endorsement by a group that also came out early for Ted Cruz's successful...
Dewhurst Got It
With Texas voters strongly backing the idea, Gov. Rick Perry and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst are making a concerted push this week for a strict, constitutional spending limit in place. And Mr. Dewhurst spelled out why it's important: taxpayers aren't protected when simply...