
Texas’ Border Czar Takes on Democrats
Mike Banks, Texas’ Border Czar, was interviewed on the Salcedo Storm Podcast.

Under Investigation by Paxton, ActBlue Strengthens Donation Security Requirements
ActBlue will now be requiring CVV security codes to donate by credit card.

Abbott Orders Hospitals to Report Costs of Illegal Alien Healthcare
Gov. Greg Abbott put the blame of the border crisis at the hands of the Biden-Harris administration.

Report: Economic Pressure on Mexico is Key to Securing Border
A research institute suggests solutions that they say could force Mexico to secure its side of the border.
State Archive
Improving The Texas Senate
Whatever problems exist in the Texas House, the Senate has been historically worse; it's where good ideas die and bad ideas get new life. Cheerful news from the Metroplex raises the possibility that we can see some serious improvement in the "upper" chamber of the...
“D” is for Dereliction of Duty
Fifteen Republican state representatives dismissed fiscally conservative principles, instead opting for a more "balanced" (read "big-government") approach to public policy including increased regulation, dismissal of property rights, and a disregard of commonsense...
The Sky Didn’t Fall After All
We heard all throughout this legislative session that all those “cuts” to public education in the state would leave school districts completely underfunded, with local tax hikes as their only salvation. Well, as it turns out, the sky didn’t fall after all. It seems...
Policing Potential Conflicts
Shortly after Houstonians found out their red light camera program is back, word got out that a local police officer and vocal advocate for the program was also on the payroll for the company that operates them. In an attempt to defeat a potential state-wide red light...
Bottom of the Barrel
At the conclusion of the 82nd Legislative Session three Republican House members found themselves with voting records that abjectly failed Texas taxpayers. Reps. John Davis, Allan Ritter, and Dee Margo were the bottom of the barrel - all scoring a failing "F" on the...
Stripping Away Transparency
During the special session, State Representatives Erwin Cain (R-Como) and Bill Zedler (R-Arlington) successfully added amendments to SB 1, the omnibus fiscal matters bill, which respectively increased transparency in the state budget and local school districts....
Higher Ed Is Burning
Much like the story of the Roman Emperor Nero fiddling while Rome burned, the UT administration is standing idly by while the cost of tuition continues to skyrocket. Instead of offering a plan of their own, they’re choosing to “fiddle” away with rhetoric designed only...
Index: Fresh Faces Shine
With a hefty number of new faces added to the ranks of Texas' legislative body politic this session in the wake of what could be described as a "conservative landslide" in November 2010, many folks want to know, "How did the freshmen do?" This legislative session...
Index: Legislature’s Wasted Opportunity
In a legislative session controlled by a rhetorically conservative super-majority, they accomplished the bare fiscal minimum but did little to control future government growth. This is reflected on the 2011 Fiscal Responsibility Index, with legislators averaging a...