Tax Burden in the Bayou City

Tax Burden in the Bayou City

With Houston’s property tax cap under attack, city officials would have taxpayers believe one (or both) of two things: that current property tax rates are too low, and that the city is already so efficient with property tax revenue that they have no choice but to ask...
Celebrating Self-Government

Celebrating Self-Government

Fireworks, parades and picnics are a great way to celebrate, but certainly aren’t what we celebrate. It’s not the fourth day of July that brings out Old Glory, it’s what happened on that day in 1776 and the many days to follow. It’s a celebration of independence, and...
California Bans Government Travel to Texas

California Bans Government Travel to Texas

Earlier this month, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra extended their state’s ban on government employees from traveling to four more states, including Texas, bringing the total of banned states to eight. Becerra cited several “civil rights violations” by...
Fort Worth Not Joining Lawsuit Against SB 4

Fort Worth Not Joining Lawsuit Against SB 4

As other liberal-led cities around Texas pile on the lawsuits to block the state’s new immigration enforcement law, one major city has no plans to join the fray. Fort Worth – Texas’ fifth largest city and the most conservative of the five – is showing no interest in...
Houston’s Tax Cap: Taxpayers’ Last Defense

Houston’s Tax Cap: Taxpayers’ Last Defense

With the fight for pension reform behind him, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner is gearing up for his next big battle, repealing the city’s property tax cap. Houston’s property tax cap is the only remaining barrier standing between taxpayers and unlimited government...
Texas Counties Recruiting Now for 2018 Election Judges

Texas Counties Recruiting Now for 2018 Election Judges

Preparations are already under way for Texas’ 2018 election cycle – not just by candidates but by people responsible for staffing election polling places. For county Republican and Democrat Party chairmen across the state, that means scrambling to fill dozens or...
City of Kermit Repeals Bag Tax

City of Kermit Repeals Bag Tax

In recent years, a growing number of Texas cities have implemented fees and all-out bans on single-use plastic and paper shopping bags in an effort to reduce litter. However, some lawmakers – as well as the state’s top attorney – are battling the legality of it. The...
Burkett Looks on the Bright Side of a Bad Record

Burkett Looks on the Bright Side of a Bad Record

After a failed session, lawmakers from the Texas House are heading home to their districts with a poor record in tow. But despite common belief that you can’t polish such things, Texas House Republicans are becoming experts at it. Take State Rep. Cindy Burkett’s...