


Communism’s European Facelift has Gone Bad Part 1

Full-fledged communism failed first. The genuine, undiluted article sank the Soviet Union in 1991 and vindicated generations of capitalist, freedom-loving people who had hated communism from the start.

Still, it’s important to remember, capitalists were on the ropes for a long time.

Will Kagan Oppose Coercive Federal Mandates?

As dean of the Harvard Law School, President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, attempted to block military recruiters from the campus, but only relented when the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could withhold millions of dollars of funding to the university. This position didn’t sit well with then-Dean Kagan, who said at the time: “The government shouldn’t use the power of the purse strings to force educational institutions to renounce their most foundational principles.”

Barack Obama Doesn’t Want You Reading This (On Your iPad)

It’s a rarity in American politics that a president would encourage citizens to disengage from technological innovations that can further their involvement in the policy process. But that’s just what our president seems to have done.

Yes We Can!

Public opinion is hardening against ObamaCare, with a new Rassmussen Poll showing 58 percent of Americans want the legislation repealed.

Perry and Abbott Fighting for Texans

ObamaCare, signed into law Tuesday, is a major threat to freedom and the quality of healthcare in America.

Texans are being served well by Governor Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott who are challenging ObamaCare on our behalf.

It surprises no one that the Austin American-Statesman doesn’t see it that way.

Making America Healthy

Last night’s unprecedented assault on our most basic constitutional rights must be addressed quickly by voters and elected officials alike. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has been preparing to file suit against the Obama Administration, while State Rep. Bryan Hughes announced legislation “that protects Texans from the federal health care bill passed by the United States Congress.”

Congress Sues Over FOIA

Congress is a small independent school district in Arizona tired of receiving and complying with open record requests. So, the district with a lousy track record of timely releasing information, is suing concerned taxpayer Jean Warren.

Sick Congress

Not a week goes by in the British national press in which there are not stories about the abysmal filth, wait times and problems in their socialized health care system, while Canadian leaders regularly travel to the United States for care. Now, 11 Texas congressmen are poised to impose the deplorable conditions on us. 

Summing Up Health Care ‘Reform’

My friend Chuck Ellis well summarizes where we are in the health care ‘reform’ debacle: "Lemme get this straight….we’re about to pass a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also is exempt from it and hasn’t read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke. What could possibly go wrong?"