
The Responsibility of Knowledge

The Responsibility of Knowledge

Chorazin had a spectacular view of the Sea of Galilee, but an even better view of history of history in the making. They squandered both.

Asserting Independence
Asserting Independence

Independence Day should not just be a celebration of history, but a commitment to the future.

Whoever Is For Us…
Whoever Is For Us…

In politics and culture, the crony establishment uses division to consolidate power. We must fight it through addition.

Just Be Faithful
Just Be Faithful

True success is found not in worldly praise, but in the knowledge that we faithfully did what we were called to do.


Victory Against The Odds

When people decide they are willing to lose everything rather than live as serfs, that is when tyrants quiver and fall.

The Real War

Rather than fight the enemy, we have contented ourselves with blaming the victims and shunning the warriors.

A Good Friday?

From a certain perspective, it is hard to think of this as a “good”...

Stop Making Excuses

When we’re making excuses for politicians, we’re subjects and not citizens.


Doing What Is Right

Doing What Is Right

After ditching God and the system of self-governance He gave them, the Israelites suffered. Let’s not make the same mistake.

Failing The Next Generation

Failing The Next Generation

Education has gone from “training up” a child, to tearing down the moral and religious upbringing of their families.

What Are We Remembering?

What Are We Remembering?

It is easier to enjoy a beer and burger in the backyard this weekend than to reflect on the sacrifices made on our behalf.

It’s A Heart Issue

It’s A Heart Issue

If it feels like liberty is dying, and our republic is waning, it is because we’ve stopped caring about either.

Now, But Not Yet

Now, But Not Yet

As a self-governing people, our job is not to curse the surrounding darkness but to build a better and brighter light for the future.

Let Them Whine

Let Them Whine

Politicians don’t like informed taxpayers. They don’t like citizens keeping score. Too bad.