
Commentary Archive

Re-Imagining the Alamo Continues

The latest plans for designing the Alamo in San Antonio were revealed Tuesday night, June 5, including scrapping the controversial glass walls proposed last year...and moving the Cenotaph. The crowd at the Witte Museum's Prassel Auditorium watched, listened, booed and...


Kelly Canon: Fighting For a Better Texas

Activist Kelly Canon may be best known for leading a successful grassroots effort to ban red-light cameras in her home city of Arlington. Yet the conservative leader’s activism spans a decade of local and state political involvement — and it continues today with an...

Democrats to Revisit ‘Super Delegates’

According to an article in yesterday’s Politico newspaper, Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez informed a group of US House members this week in a meeting that the party will be considering a move to change the status of what are now known as “Super...

State Probe Keeps Heat On San Antonio’s Lawless Police Chief

(This story was updated at 10:05 a.m., June 7) The double standards and duplicity are piling up on the desk of San Antonio Police Chief William McManus. With the city’s top lawman under state investigation over the release of a truckload of illegal aliens, the Police...

As San Antonio Booms, Express-News Goes Bust

On the day the San Antonio Express-News announced it had terminated 14 more newsroom employees, Metro Editor Nora Lopez boldly declared, “We still own this city.” And dinosaurs once ruled the Earth. Express-News Publisher Susan Pape assured readers that the “Voice of...

TX Runoffs Today

Thirteen significant Lone Star State political runoffs will be decided today, thus ending the nomination process that began with the Texas primary election back on March 6th. In the Governor’s race, Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez and businessman Andrew White, the...

Amarillo Faces Unfortunate Crossroads

Amarillo is at an unfortunate economic crossroads built on economic illiteracy and excessive influence. Almost a decade ago, Amarillo’s city government decided that economic development in downtown needed to be top priority. Officials devised a plan to build a...

Editorial: Illegal Immigrants aren’t Texans

On Thursday, the Houston Chronicle published an op-ed titled “I’m a Texan. Ken Paxton wants to deport me," written by illegal immigrant and "DREAMer" activist Damaris Gonzalez. In response, I tweeted the following:...