
The Deafening Silence of Fear

The Deafening Silence of Fear

It’s better we live courageously, fighting for rights and freedom, than cowardly, capitulating to tyranny out of fear, for a little comfort.

Commentary Archive

Protecting the ESF as an Endowment

A strong Texas needs a strong savings account. In 1989, Texas voters approved a constitutional amendment creating the Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF), commonly referred to as the "rainy day" fund, "…to be used to offset unforeseen shortfalls in revenue." After the...


Hilderbran goes soft on tax reform

TX Budget CompactI was saddened to see Rep. Harvey Hilderbran go soft on phasing out the state’s horrible business tax known as the margins-tax. Hilderbran, who is chairman of the House Ways & Means committee, appeared on Pratt on Texas at the start of the 83rd...

Tweet-less (updated)

Without warning or notification, social media mini-blog site Twitter on Monday simultaneously "suspended" the main Empower Texans feed along with the personal accounts of all staff. It is unsettling, to say the least, given the way the entity sells itself as a great...

Senate’s Misplaced Fear

Texas senators seem to believe they're members of an exclusive club, rather than elected public servants. Speaking for the club this week, State Sen. Steve Ogden (R-Bryan), chair of the Finance Committee, told the press it “has always been … pretty hard to penetrate...

Government Debt Bubble Is the Next One to Burst

Greece is bankrupt. European Union nations are leading a bailout of that government in an attempt to prevent other financially troubled EU members such as Spain and Portugal from collapsing as well, which could bring down the entire European Union financial system....

Putting Texas Veterans Back to Work

A new study from the United States Department of Labor reports that the unemployment rate in 2009 for young returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan rose to 21.9%, far higher than the national unemployment rate for non-veterans in the same age group of 18 to 24....

What The Left Won’t Recognize

An editorial from the Austin American-Statesman, posits the idea that we should pay children a wage to study for school. The proponent of this idea is one Bruce Todd, a former mayor of Austin, who is running a project called the Tuition Incentive Program. In support...

Our Resignation of Dependence

In American history and government classes across this country, we still teach our children that our founding fathers demonstrated genius both in articulating the inalienable rights belonging to each person in our Declaration of Independence, and then in preserving...