
Commentary Archive


Pray, And Get To Work

The first three words of our Constitution make it clear who is supposed to be in charge: “We the people.” Our Republic only works when the citizens take an active and engaged role in civic life. As the ancient Israelites learned, the blessings of self-government only...

Sullivan: I Will Resist

I believe our nation is in peril. Will Texans settle for this new normal of censorship, or will we fight for liberty? The Democrats’ impeachment today of President Donald Trump set a precedent more dangerous than the summer of left-wing riots and even last week’s...


Peacock: It’s Time to Cut the Texas Budget

In 2019, the Texas Legislature appropriated a total of $258 billion, a 24 percent increase over what it appropriated in 2017. Looking at it a different way, the $248 billion the Legislature appropriated in 2019 for the current biennium was an increase of $32 billion,...


Who Doesn’t Understand?

No phrase uttered by a politician is quite so disgusting as when they condescendingly inform a constituent that the taxpayers “just don’t understand.” The comment inevitably comes when the constituent has expressed frustration that long-promised action on publicly...

Francis: Austin Con(fidence) Game

We all have hobbies; mine is poking around State of Texas government websites. If you are wondering why, it’s because as a kid, I always had an interest in illusions and magic. I even got to see David Copperfield perform once. Part of the fun was knowing he was trying...

Domstead: Can You Imagine?

Can you imagine if 75 million liberty-loving Trump voters STOPPED funding/supporting their own demise? (Facebook, Netflix, Macy’s, Amazon, Google, Walgreens, and sports or products from communist countries, to name a few.) We have untapped power, and we “refuse” to...

Francis: State of Fear

In 2004, I read a book that saved me from a miserable life of addiction and dependence. The dark road began when I was in college during the Gulf War. If I can save one person from traveling the difficult road I was on, publicly revealing this will have been worth it....


Brian Bledsoe: A Voice of Truth

Texas truck driver Brian Bledsoe never expected to start his own podcast or even walk through a journey in politics, but one thing has become certain: Regardless of what he’s doing, Brian will be speaking clarity and truth into the confusion of our society. Brian was...