
Local Archive

House District 115: Rinaldi Retires Ratliff, Redux

Everyone agrees State Rep. Matt Rinaldi of Dallas County is the political triple-threat: smart, articulate and exceedingly charming. Debating with Rinaldi is a fools’ errand, as liberal State Rep. Jason Villalba (R-Dallas) learned a year ago. Picture the scene: an...

Senate District 1: Improvement (Almost) Guaranteed

One of the lowest rated GOP members of the Texas Senate was Kevin Eltife (R-Tyler). He opted to retire rather than face a contentious primary, creating an open seat. Three GOP candidates have emerged: State Rep. Bryan Hughes (Mineola), State Rep. David Simpson...

House District 150: A Bad Riddle

Once hailed as a great conservative, State Rep. Debbie Riddle spent the last two legislative sessions thwarting conservative causes. Her increasing hostility to conservatism has grown in proportion to her closeness to the cartel of Democrats and liberal Republicans...

House District 60: Improvement NOT Guaranteed

When crony-incumbent State Rep. Jim Keffer announced his retirement, voters around House District 60 cheered. Keffer had been instrumental in colluding with Democrats to install Joe Straus as speaker of the Texas House. The “RINO of Eastland” received a near-death...

End Government-Union Collusion

While reformers fight to limit union collusion in Texas, cities and pro-union politicians such as Speaker Joe Straus are siding with union bureaucrats. The two most egregious union activities are the sharing of government-employee’s private information and their use...

Defiant Colleyville Council Booed by Hundreds of Citizens

Colleyville residents angrily booed defiant city officials during Tuesday night’s council meeting that lasted until after midnight. The scorn came after the mayor abruptly ended council debate and rushed a final vote on new, controversial higher-density development...

Lies By Omission

In their zeal to represent the absurd actions of their clients at the Texas Ethics Commissions, the Texas Attorney General's office has resorted to telling lies in paperwork designed to provide face-saving cover for a state rogue agency. As the Attorney General, Ken...

Midland City Council Pumps Brakes on Debt Proposal

After a robust debate at Tuesday’s city council meeting, a resolution, which would serve as the first step in issuing approximately $22 million in new debt (via Certificates of Obligation) for Midland, failed by a 2-5 vote. The overarching argument reiterated by...