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Part Two: The Obsolete Operations of the HCDE

The Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) represents exactly the kind of obsolete and financially inefficient government entity that has plagued our public education system for years. It’s one of only two departments of its kind left in Texas, providing only...

Who are the Occupy-bums in the parks?

In a top-notch piece in the Halloween edition of National Review, Pratt on Texas Listener Club member Kevin D. Williamson writes about the “witch hunt on Wall Street” known as Occupy Wall Street. Following a description of one of the movement’s icons, a...


Congratulations Dripping Springs!

Congratulations, Dripping springs! You stood up to the big spenders in your local school district that wanted to raise your taxes to the maximum allowed by law. By rejecting that idea by a 3-1 margin, you are an example to all the edu-crats looking to continue...


Part One: Duplicating Government in Harris County

Harris County taxpayers have been unwittingly paying for the same service from different governmental entities for years. On top of paying taxes for their local school district, they’ve been funding $16 million in taxes to the Harris County Department of Education...


Shed More Light On Local Governments

It seems there’s still a lot of work to be done to bring about greater transparency in our local governments. According to a new report by the Sunshine Review, county governments in Texas earned a failing grade for online accountability. According to Curt Olson of...

Cowboys’ Jones finds a new way to milk fans

The North Texas Tollway Authority let it be known yesterday that you can now show off your support for the Dallas Cowboys by purchasing a Dallas Cowboys commemorative toll tag.  For the bargain price of $22.99, you can show the rest of DFW where your true loyalties...

Educrats emerge in legislative races

One of the key issues in the upcoming state legislative election is going to be school finance.  With the first of two expected lawsuits already out there, and so many House races in particular in play, we should start hearing a lot of "for the children" and "but it...

Job creator – or tax-and-spender?

Try though one might, it is getting difficult to ignore the political advertisements playing on local AM radio these days.  Just this week, I've counted at least twelve incidents of the same ad, one for former Dallas mayor Tom Leppert, who is running for Texas Senate....

EPA: All Hat, No Cattle

It’s déjà vu all over again. For the second time, the entire Texas Congressional Delegation, with the exception of one member, wrote a letter last week urging the EPA to reevaluate and delay implementation of the Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). The new letter...