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Bill White for Texas

. . . not! Excuse me, I meant to say TOO LIBERAL for Texas. The Texas Democrats gathered in Corpus Christi this past week for their state convention, and while I attended the Republican Party of Texas convention in Dallas earlier this month, I figured I should educate...

Working for Public Benefits… A Radical Idea?

People receiving extended unemployment benefits should be required to provide a public service while getting public assistance, so says Texas' Workforce Commission chairman Tom Pauken. Predictably, critics, such as the Texas AFL-CIO, have blasted the idea. In a...

Are conservatives against “good” for Texas?

This past weekend’s Dallas Morning News carried a predictable, editorial which sadly reflects the views of many in our society who believe themselves to be educated but aren’t. Here’s the headline: “Challenges to Straus put ideology ahead of the state” and it starts...

The Importance of Redistricting

As we all know, the next legislative session will be consumed by redistricting, along with the biennial budget, a voter ID bill, a sonogram bill, a possible immigration debate, and a potential challenge to Joe Straus for the Speaker's gavel. However, redistricting is...

Jason Isaac BBQs some liberal

Since I commented on Speaker Straus' headlining of a fundraiser for State Representative Patrick Rose, I have gotten to know his opponent, Jason Isaac, and the people of HD 45. Many people had told me that Jason was "the real deal," someone who stands by his...

Transparency in Government Victory

This week transparency in government won a major victory when a judge ruled Grapevine’s City Council violated the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA) by hiring Fred Hill in a secret meeting. The Star-Telegram filed the lawsuit after they were denied a copy of the meeting...

HD84’s Carol Morgan: The Perfect Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat Carol Morgan is that Leftwing Party’s nominee for the House District 84 seat. She will face conservative Republican John Frullo on the November Ballot. Democrat Morgan is another of these candidates who has made her income from taxpayer pockets and...

Birdwell’s Win And Averitt’s Duplicity

Talk about a case of elitist conceit. Outgoing State Sen. Kip Averitt (R-Waco) managed to badly mangle his transition into political retirement, with a ham-handed withdrawal, forcing a series of very costly elections. Now, because a conservative has won the seat to...


Doesn't that thought just make you....gag? Apparently it was quite the "gag" for Rep. Mark Strama's reelection bid in 2008.  In fact, Strama was so enamored with the idea of a rhyming ticket that he made sure to link the names in people's minds - in fact, in...

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