The Latest
Texas Grid Operator Warns of Coming Problems as Energy Prices Rise
ERCOT issued a warning on potential energy deficiencies from April 29 through May 1.
Could Democrats Save Incumbent Rep. John Kuempel in Runoff Election?
A new push from the Texas GOP, however, could see Democrat interference in Republican primary elections significantly curtailed.
Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Biden Administration Over Title IX Rewrite
The lawsuit claims the new rule is an infringement on Texas’ sovereignty.
Big Spring Residents Say ‘No’ to Big School Bond
Bond opponents in Big Spring ISD borrowed the slogan “If You Know, You No” from another grassroots campaign in Granbury ISD.
The Archive
Taxpayers Vote Their Interests on Property Tax Issues
The results of Texas’ constitutional election yesterday indicate Texans are tired of business as usual when it comes to our property tax system. Of the three ballot propositions dealing directly with property taxes proposition 2 had the largest margin of victory at...
An 8% Victory
Only 8% of the state's 12.9 million registered voters took part in the constitutional ballot election. That's not a healthy sign, given how important those amendments are. It's shocking that 92% of the registered voters didn't have an opinion on property tax reform,...
Conservative Democrats Join the Republican Party in Texas
As Republicans are taking over the State governments of Virginia and New Jersey, many Texas Democrats are leaving their party and joining the Republican Party. According to the Republican Party of Texas: "Today in Hardin County, seven Democrats announced that they are...
Obamapalooza wasn’t so fun after all
Less than a year ago, President Obama's "hope and change" refrain train hit Washington to fanfare probably not experienced since VE-Day. There's no point parsing every word, analyzing every speech, and interpreting every nuance that lead to his overwhelming victory....
Stimulus jobs: when does the counting stop?
The Obama Administration is touting the jobs "saved or created" because of the $787 billion stimulus plan passed earlier this year. One independent assessment of the total is 650,000; the White House puts the number closer to one million. Those numbers are in dispute...
More on health care fraud
The Congressional Budget Office has tagged the recently-announced Pelosi health care nationalization plan at a little over $1 trillion. Given the history of inaccurate scoring of the long-term government health care costs, the Pelosi Plan (if passed) could be closer...
Higher Ed. Commissioner Parades is confused about work
Texas commissioner of higher education, Raymund Parades, wrote a commentary published by the Austin American Statesman in which he extolled President Obama’s speech at Texas A&M and its focus upon “community service” quoting Obama as saying such “binds us to each...
Kelo Protection
There is a fair amount of angst regarding Prop 11, designed to address the very real problems presented by the U.S. Supreme Court's Kelo v New London decision. In that case, the Supreme Court eviscerated our property rights by allowing local government to take one...
Taxpayers deserve meaningful school measurement
The story begins with: “Texas is one of several states that have set a low bar for determining whether their students are proficient in math and reading, according to a new study from the federal government’s National Center for Education Statistics.” The Dallas...