Energy Taxes Today Hurt Us Tomorrow

What do you do when the price of an essential commodity has risen so high that it fuels inflation, devastates family budgets and threatens the economy?  Obviously, you raise taxes on it, causing its price to go up even more! At least, that’s what you do if the...

Advertising Government

When government resorts to advertising its programs and services, that’s a sure sign government has gotten just a little too big.  Texas bureaucrats spend millions every year advertising the Children’s Health Insurance Program and other welfare assistance...

Texas School Districts Plotting Property Tax Rate Increases

The San Antonio Express-News reports that numerous school districts in San Antonio and around the state are preparing to ask their voters to approve tax rate increases.  One such district is San Antonio ISD which is on the verge of seeking a tax rate increase even...

State Rep. Tells Court: I Know Nothing

In what is either a rare act of political honesty or an unbelievable admission of dereliction of duty, or both, State Rep. Fred Hill (R-Richardson) swore under oath that he doesn’t know anything about the state’s existing spending limit. Odd, considering he has...

Next We’ll Be Told Liberals Grow Government

The next time someone points to England as an example of anything other than a good place to get fish-and-chips, casually mention a study funded by their taxpayers. Girls, researchers there breathlessly announced this week, prefer pink. Sadly we don't have much to...
Lawmaker Math

Lawmaker Math

You might recall a few weeks ago I noted that the Legislature’s new $3 billion-over-10-year cancer fund was probably not going to accomplish much more than spend a lot of your money. Not my opinion, but that of scientists actually in the field.  “(T)he...

School Tax Scam

Here’s a nice little scam floating around school districts: claiming credit for cutting taxes when they haven’t. You’ll remember that the Legislature bought down school “maintenance & operations” property taxes to $1, using proceeds from their new business...

The Taxman Cometh

Do you hear that knocking at your door? It’s the taxman, and he wants more money. Pay up. It’s bad enough that appraisal creep and unrestrained spending is taking a bigger and bigger bite out of taxpayers’ take-home pay, but now comes word that local...
Newspaper: Never, Never, Never Cut Taxes

Newspaper: Never, Never, Never Cut Taxes

Josef Stalin and Vladimir Lenin would be proud of their ideological progeny at the San Antonio Express-News. The long-dead communists, whose utopian Soviet state collapsed in disrepute and bankruptcy after an 80-year experiment in tyranny,  focused on the collective...

Bad Tax Ideas Never Go Away

Fighting tax-and-spendoholics is like playing Wack-A-Mole at the arcade. You knock them down, only to find they pop right back up. The lesson? We have to move faster and hit harder. Last legislative session, taxpayers were successful in stopping tax-and-spendoholics...

Road Taxes Should Fund Roads? What A Crazy Idea…

State Sen. John Carona says in today’s Dallas Morning News that Texas must “stop the diversion of gas tax funds for other uses.” That’s welcome news. While the state’s constitution currently requires transportation funds to be used for transportation...

Got Tax Relief? Not In Houston…

So you think you’re getting tax relief? If you live in Houston, chances are you are not. The school district there are doing everything they can to reach into your family’s pocket-book and exact every last dollar they can.Houston ISD and Cypress-Fairbanks ISD are...

Grow Government Today, Pay For It Later

Bad ideas are running rampant in Beantown. I’ve come to Boston for the National Conference of State Legislators. It should be called the National Conference for Growing Government. By and large, NCSL is a cheerleading session for those legislators, bureaucrats,...

Property Tax Appraisals Skyrocket from Metroplex to Killeen

In Dallas County, total property values are up 16 percent, with about half of that attributable to increases on existing properties, according to a Dallas Morning News report. Although Collin County has not posted 2007 average home values yet, the Dallas Morning News...

Ineffective Treatment?

The Houston Chronicle reported over the weekend that medical professionals are skeptical that the legislature’s new $3 billion “cancer fund” will accomplish much more than spend $3 billion of the taxpayers’ money. But, don’t worry, it was...

Deadweight, and Dead Weight

An elected official (a Republican, no less) told me yesterday he doesn’t mind paying taxes because it is “the price of freedom.” His doe-eyed statement was wrong on a great many levels, practical and philosophical. First and foremost, freedom’s...