
The Broken Deal on School Choice

The Broken Deal on School Choice

Dade Phelan and 23 Republican House members broke faith with Greg Abbott and the Texas GOP. What will the governor do about it?


Illyes: Radical K-12 Reform

Instead of pouring money into the local school monopolies, the solution is to simply endow individual students. Open the door to the free market in a meaningful way.

Let Them Whine

Politicians don’t like informed taxpayers. They don’t like citizens keeping score. Too bad.

Ammon Blair: Unwavering Warrior

“I feel that by defending our rights, our God-given rights through the Constitution, doing that is one of the greatest single efforts that we can do.”

It’s All A Joke

Socialists, progressives, communists, and Marxists are the flat-earthers of political and economic thought. They are not intellectuals sincerely seeking truth; they are the fall-guys in a long, deadly, sick joke.


Two Places, but No Body

Two Places, but No Body

While intellectually fascinating to discuss where Jesus was buried, it misses the bigger point: we are talking about looking at an empty tomb.

Commentary: Layoffs Anyway?!

Commentary: Layoffs Anyway?!

In a time of national crisis, the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts begged the government for a $25 million handout before ungraciously kicking its staff to the curb. This is reflective of D.C.’s culture, certainly. But it does not at all mirror the rest of America.

Rule of Law

Rule of Law

Left to their own devices, powerful institutions will eventually serve only themselves—including our courts.