
Two Years Later: A Prosper ISD Mom’s Story

Two Years Later: A Prosper ISD Mom’s Story

Eileen Riverside won’t let school board trustees get away with the notion that “no one is at fault” in the now two-year-old sex abuse scandal and cover-up.

No One Can Steal Your Joy
No One Can Steal Your Joy

The measure of our joy is found where we direct the vision of our hearts and minds.

No One Can Steal Your Joy
The Image of God

Sin blinds us to many things, but perhaps most especially the truth of who we are.

No One Can Steal Your Joy
Never Ceasing

In the fight for liberty, we not allowed to give up, back down, or walk away. 

No One Can Steal Your Joy
The Responsibility of Knowledge

Chorazin had a spectacular view of the Sea of Galilee, but an even better view of history of history in the making. They squandered both.


O, Woe Is Me!

Rather than star as the martyrs in our self-devised tale of woe, we should actively look for allies in the redemptive story that God is working in our lives.

On Being ‘Right’

Political purity czars are a lonely lot and rarely as pure as they perceive themselves. They trade the joy of warm camaraderie for the faint praise of self-congratulations.


Sometimes, Tax Cuts Are Not Enough

Sometimes, Tax Cuts Are Not Enough

We must never allow ourselves to be conned into accepting politicians’ false choices any more than we should follow them in the worship of false gods.

Asserting Independence

Asserting Independence

Independence Day should not just be a celebration of history, but a commitment to the future.

Whoever Is For Us…

Whoever Is For Us…

In politics and culture, the crony establishment uses division to consolidate power. We must fight it through addition.

Just Be Faithful

Just Be Faithful

True success is found not in worldly praise, but in the knowledge that we faithfully did what we were called to do.

Two Years Later: A Prosper ISD Mom’s Story

One Year Later: A Prosper Mom’s Story

Eileen Riverside won’t let the Prosper ISD board get away with the notion that no one is at fault in the sex abuse scandal and cover-up. “All of this was preventable.”