Women’s March: How A National Pro-Abortion Organization Is Targeting Amarillo
Women’s March Executive Director, Rachel O’Leary Carmona, has been a resident of Amarillo since 2021.
Y’All Answered: Golden Parachutes for School Superintendents?
Readers offer their insights and experiences.
Dade Phelan Claims He is Democrats’ Choice for Speaker
Phelan’s repeated reliance on Democrats for political survival should serve as the final straw for any Republican who is still trying to portray him as a friend of conservative values.
The Case For School Choice in Texas
School choice combats failing government schools and woke teachers through competition.
Commentary Archive
Mitchell County Becomes First County in Texas to Outlaw Abortion Trafficking
Abortion has been outlawed in Mitchell County, Texas (pop. 9,070), with several protections being added to protect pregnant mothers and their unborn children under their jurisdiction. On the morning of Friday, July 14, the county commission considered a Sanctuary...
Navarro County Health Dept. Invites Abortion Giant to Corsicana
On July 11, the Navarro County Health Department used our tax dollars to host Planned Parenthood, the global leader in infanticide, at their facility in Corsicana. In addition to the agency's history of intimidating businesses into closing their doors, forcing useless...
The Glory-Grabbers
Glory hog. Credit-seeker. Spotlight-grabber. Brown-noser. Whatever you call them, we all know the type. They overstate the value of their work or take a little creative license in describing their contribution to a group effort. The political landscape of our “allies”...
Texas Must Cease Using Race in Admissions, Employment, and Contracting
The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled 6-3 that the admissions program at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina violate the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution because they discriminate on the basis of race. That decision in Students for...
Y’All Answered: Are Lawmakers Stealing From Taxpayers?
Members of the Texas Legislature famously earn $600 per month, but with some added benefits – like a pension tied to the salary of full-time state district judges – that few mention back home. They also get paid $221 per day for expenses when in Austin... or just...
The Local Fight Against Abortion in a Post-Roe Texas
Since June 24, 2022, when the Supreme Court of the United States’ decision in Dobbs v. Jackson overturned the court’s previous decisions in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, abortion and the aiding and abetting of abortion has been declared illegal in the...
Sometimes, Tax Cuts Are Not Enough
While Solomon in his prime might have been the wisest man in history, he made some bad choices in his later years—straying from God and ultimately undermining the kingdom his father had unified. He did so, in part, through reckless taxation. But that recklessness...
Y’All Answered: Who Will Your Neighborhood Support?
The Texas Republican Primary election will be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. We asked which of the 14 declared candidates would most likely win readers' neighborhoods. Do you want to participate in our weekly surveys? Subscribe to the Texas Minute! Here is a sample...
Safeguarding American Independence Requires a Strong Border
As citizens across America gather to celebrate our nation’s independence this July 4th, it is essential to remember American independence was born not from barbecues and fireworks, but from a burning desire of free men to govern themselves, to secure a sovereign state...