Y’All Answered: Mass Deportations?
Readers offer their insights and experiences.
Rockwall Mayor’s Response to Citizen Concerns
My primary responsibility is to the people of Rockwall, not to the county, state, or my party.
The Raw Truth About Texas Education Accountability
In the incredibly upside-down world that is Texas education, utter failure is now a passing score and passing scores are celebrated as mastery, yet Johnny still can’t read.
Rockwall Resident Responds to Mayor’s Endorsement of School Bonds and Tax Increase
At a time when inflation is at its peak and families are struggling to afford basic necessities, proposing further tax increases feels unsustainable and out of touch with the community’s needs.
Commentary Archive
18 Texas Republicans Voted to End The Death Penalty for Mass Murderers
One thing that happened this past legislative session was that the Texas House continued its march against the death penalty. The first step was taken by Speaker Dade Phelan, when he awarded the powerful Criminal Jurisprudence chairmanship to liberal Democrat State...
Y’All Answered: The Local Newspaper
There are fewer newspapers in Texas today than in 1943 when the state's population was a third of the current size. Yesterday, we asked if readers subscribe to a local newspaper. Do you want to participate in our weekly surveys? Subscribe to the Texas Minute! Here is...
11 Republican Texas Lawmakers Who Voted to Fund Transgender Social Transitioning
Most Republican voters feel like the political ruling class within their own party is often betraying them. The left, as an institution, is forcing the sexualization of our children and those with the power to end this madness are doing the bare minimum. Two years...
Y’All Answered: ‘Impeach, Prosecute, Imprison’ Biden?
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz is calling for President Joe Biden’s impeachment, prosecution, and imprisonment due to findings in recently released federal documents detailing an alleged scandal between Biden and a Ukrainian businessman. Yesterday, we asked readers if they agreed...
Y’All Answered: Keep or Abolish Tenure?
Like other institutions of higher education in the United States since the early 1900s, those in Texas grant "tenure" to professors – effectively shielding their employment except in the most extreme situations. Originally established to provide academic freedom in...
Y’All Answered: Who Runs The Texas House?
Yesterday, we asked readers to consider the results of the legislative session – as it relates to conservative priorities and the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton – tell us who it seemed was running the Texas House: Democrats or Republicans. Do you want to...
A Rock For The Ages
One of the most photographed places in the world is the view of Jerusalem’s old city, taken from the vantage point of the Mount of Olives. Dominating that view today is the golden Dome of the Rock, a Muslim shrine. It hasn’t always been there. On a recent trip to...
Y’All Answered: Should Phelan Be Censured?
The Republican Party of the largest county in House Speaker Dade Phelan's district has censured him, opening the door for the State Republican Executive Committee to now do so. That action, in turn, would allow the state party to spend money opposing Phelan in the...
Mitchell County Becomes First County in Texas to Outlaw Abortion Trafficking
Abortion has been outlawed in Mitchell County, Texas (pop. 9,070), with several protections being added to protect pregnant mothers and their unborn children under their jurisdiction. On the morning of Friday, July 14, the county commission considered a Sanctuary...