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An Early Taxpayer Win In 2010

Taxpayers won a big political victory this year. Thanks to tens of thousands of Texans, the chief advocate for irresponsible transportation policy in the Texas House was forced to go silent this election season on her own plan to hike taxes and fees -- despite her...

Election Day Principles

On March 2, 1836, sixty Texas leaders gathered at Washington-on-the-Brazos. There they crafted the Texas Declaration of Independence, separating from Mexico and creating an independent nation. In the intervening years, their names have faded from popular memory, but...

The Revolving Door of Healthcare Reform

As the healthcare reform world turns we see another rendition to the ever evolving proposals from Washington. This time it comes from the White House in the form of the regulation of premium levels. Although premium levels are certainly a concern, addressing high...

Kleberg’s Obama Factor

What to make of a GOP candidate who openly supported Barack Obama for president in 2008? Now, several Republican candidates this cycle admit to having voted in the 2008 Democratic Primary. They were engaging in the Rush Limbaugh-inspired "Operation Chaos" --...

Par For Straus’ Course

As of last week Texans can take pride in a new select committee. Speaker Straus created the House Select Committee on Transportation to highlight the need for increased transparency and accountability in Texas transportation and to analyze current and future...

HD84’s Mark Griffin not even with mainstream Republicans

In the Liberty Institute candidate survey, HD84 candidate Mark Griffin separated himself from every Republican Party house candidate in the North and Western side of Texas by not being Strongly Opposed to Obama-care; by not opposing the homosexual-lobby pushed...

William Travis’ Letter

On Feb. 24, 1836, after 24 hours of cannon bombardment, William Travis penned a letter from inside the Alamo addressed to all Texans and Americans. In it he, pledged to "never surrender or retreat." The Alamo fell to Santa Anna's forces on March 6, with...

Ahead of HD 105 General

Democrat operatives continue to have high hopes for winning in House District 105. While contributors to the Texas Tribune and party insiders respectively speculate and fantasize about HD 105 slipping from the grasp of the GOP they avoid addressing the failed attempt...

Real Local Control

Despite the assertions of a liberal Austin American Statesman columnist, what has killed California has been their excessive spending, over-regulation and oppressive tax structure. Letting voters keep big spenders out of their wallets is what Texas needs to avoid...

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