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UPDATE: Threat Against TFR

Late Friday afternoon the Austin emergency response teams and federal agencies declared the substance mailed to TFR to be mostly harmless. The TFR staff and others in their section of the building were released, after being sequestered until the powder was identified....

Statement on TFR Death Threat

The president of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, Michael Quinn Sullivan, offered the following statement on the death threat and powdery substance he received in the mail today. In response, the building has been evacuated but the TFR staff has been asked to remain...

Task Force Considers Elimination of the School Property Tax

The Legislature must begin to explore ways to phase out and ultimately eliminate the Maintenance & Operations (M&O) property tax. Toward that end, the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute launched a Property Tax Task Force three months ago to...

Eliminate School Property Taxes? Yes!

We all know the time is long overdue to rip the poisonous weed of property taxes out of the state's economic garden. We might actually get the chance if State Rep. Phil King of Weatherford gets his way. King is making waves today, calling for the elimination of the...

Not the Legislature’s Business

Most Texans are worried about how they are going to pay next year's property taxes, or are concerned about how the new business income tax is going to affect their job. The Legislature? Well, their taking time next week to listen to Dallas Cowboy's owner Jerry Jones...

Geren’s Obfuscation

State Rep. Charlie Geren of Fort Worth wants it both ways. While he doesn't want his constituents to know about his anti-taxpayer ways, but he also says he isn't to worried about being seen as a government-growing spendoholic. Scoring just 45% on the TFR Index, Geren...

Longing For The Days Of Yore

He misses the days when unabashed liberals ran the Texas Legislature. In fact, he just cannot stand how bad it is now that conservatives are (nominally, anyway) in charge. The funny thing is that State Rep. Delwin Jones of Lubbock is a Republican. Though you wouldn't...

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