
A Yoke of Slavery?
A Yoke of Slavery?

Liberty is not an economic tool but a moral imperative.

Fighting The Battles Ourselves
Fighting The Battles Ourselves

Stop waiting for a politician to do your job. It is up to us to re-take our government and our culture.


O, Woe Is Me!

Rather than star as the martyrs in our self-devised tale of woe, we should actively look for allies in the redemptive story that God is working in our lives.

On Being ‘Right’

Political purity czars are a lonely lot and rarely as pure as they perceive themselves. They trade the joy of warm camaraderie for the faint praise of self-congratulations.

A Declining Church in America

America watched as church leaders in 2020 put the gathering of the saints on par with the meeting of the Rotary Club. Today, those churches are experiencing the results.

Scandalizing The Faithful

Rather than earn the cheers of our fellow zealots, we should hope for the approval of our Lord and Savior.

Legislating Morals

All law is a matter of morality; the only question is if that law is in keeping with, or foreign to, the moral precepts of holy scripture.

A Rock For The Ages

The surest foundation is found not in nature or monuments, but in Christ alone.

Sometimes, Tax Cuts Are Not Enough

We must never allow ourselves to be conned into accepting politicians’ false choices any more than we should follow them in the worship of false gods.


Victory Against The Odds

Victory Against The Odds

When people decide they are willing to lose everything rather than live as serfs, that is when tyrants quiver and fall.

The Real War

The Real War

Rather than fight the enemy, we have contented ourselves with blaming the victims and shunning the warriors.

A Good Friday?

A Good Friday?

From a certain perspective, it is hard to think of this as a “good” Friday. It is, after all, the...

Stop Making Excuses

Stop Making Excuses

When we’re making excuses for politicians, we’re subjects and not citizens.