The college’s core psychology course teaches students about sexual attractions and identities.

The college’s core psychology course teaches students about sexual attractions and identities.
“This is what we have to do. For the good of this town. For the good of the students. For the good of this community and the people who are around us.”
“As a healthcare professional, I’ll just point out the obvious: the above content presented to a minor constitutes sexual abuse and should be reported as such.”
Parents say their children did not learn to read in Richardson ISD, and the district knew in February 2020.
Citizens caught in apparent battle between Kay Granger and Bass brothers’ attorney for control of taxpayer-funded boondoggle.
In apparent conflict with the governor’s edict, County Judge Clay Jenkins’ stay-at-home order restricts religious services to audio, video, and teleconference only.
“What we have seen is we have some elected officials who talk to citizens as if they’re children and have no common sense.”
A plan is needed for the transition from stay-at-home orders to returning to work and normal activities. There are serious decisions to be made for the future in the shadow of the situation that has been created.
The representative of Tarrant County’s commissioners publicly stated they are banning people from gathering in church to worship, contradicting the court’s written order. So, what is actually happening?
During the coronavirus emergency, the district’s top bureaucrat has the power to make certain decisions without board approval.
County Judge Clay Jenkins must receive support from commissioners before expanding his coronavirus emergency restrictions.
“My order comes with a fine. Take pics. Get proof.”
Dallas County’s director of Health and Human Services struggles to answer questions about data on the coronavirus—data the county is basing their decisions on.
City council reverses decision to keep May 2 election date following updated guidance from Secretary of State.
The Seventh Court of Appeals race is to appear in a new election.
In their fight to keep the doors tightly shut on the operations of their agency, the Austin-based Texas...
Perhaps Mr. Dansby is worried that tough questions will raise a swell of public opposition … after reviewing the details, his fears are justified. His use of Al Capone-style tactics, however, are not.
Before reaching for the state’s emergency fund, basic services should have been funded first.
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility’s president offers a statement on Wendy Davis’ gubernatorial race.
What’s going on with Texas Child Protective Services? No doubt most at the agency are hard working folk...
You wouldn’t think that a Water Board could cause so many problems for Texans. Perhaps that's precisely...
We recently criticized the state for creating a hopelessly complex information maze that keeps unsuspecting...
Rusty Hardin has been hired as a special prosecutor against Wallace Hall.
We are unsure as to the number of meetings conducted in private. Officials thought that such a district was unlikely to draw much scrutiny from the public. They were wrong.
The issuance of debt by government officials is a passive form of taxation, because debt issued today will...