
A Rock For The Ages

A Rock For The Ages

The surest foundation is found not in nature or monuments, but in Christ alone.

Promise Keepers
Promise Keepers

Republicans must be something more than a speed bump on the road to serfdom.

The Alamo Fell, and Texas Rose
The Alamo Fell, and Texas Rose

Most of us aren’t called to man the walls of an old church, outnumbered by superior forces, but all of us are called to face a hostile world.


Choosing Sides

We must spend less time worrying about what side other people are on… and be sure we’re on the right side for the right reasons.

America the Exceptional

The left wants to destroy America by convincing us we’re common. We’re not. And we never have been.

A Lasting Impact

Culture pushes us to rate our value by the number of likes and retweets we get from our most recent hot-take. We hope that by “going viral” we will be remembered. It’s not real.

Overturning Tables

The fake Jesus of the modern age is a virtue-signaling tool of the elite, urging obedience to the whims of the self-anointed intelligentsia. The real Jesus drove them out with a whip.

No Greater Love …

We have allowed Memorial Day to devolve into a long weekend of mattress sales and cook-outs.

Responding to Lackluster Effort

Incumbents pretend voters’ only option is to replace bad Republicans with worse Democrats, but that isn’t the only choice.




The fate of the Republic rests on the perseverance of patriots.

Storming the Gates of Hell

Storming the Gates of Hell

We’re not called to lives of comfort and safety; we are called to be faithful. We must engage culture and politics with the conviction we’re fighting a righteous fight for the very soul of our nation.

Crossroads of the World

Crossroads of the World

No matter what one thinks of eschatology and biblical prophecy, Megiddo tells us a lot about the opportunities Texans have if we seize them.

What We Fear

What We Fear

As citizens, we have failed to inspire sufficient fear in our elected servants. We’ve allowed them to think they, rather than we, are the masters of this republic.

Gates of Ekron

Gates of Ekron

We must be faithfully committed to the work of winning.

Melanie Graft: Reaching Beyond our Comfort Zone

Melanie Graft: Reaching Beyond our Comfort Zone

“The hardest part is getting started,” says Granbury resident Melanie Graft. “But it is going to take getting out of our comfort zones and becoming active to be the change we want to see.”