
Asserting Independence
Asserting Independence

Independence Day should not just be a celebration of history, but a commitment to the future.

Whoever Is For Us…
Whoever Is For Us…

In politics and culture, the crony establishment uses division to consolidate power. We must fight it through addition.


A Good Friday?

From a certain perspective, it is hard to think of this as a “good”...


Who Are The Idiots?

Who Are The Idiots?

Whatever bad things one has to say about school boards are more appropriately directed at the citizens who elect them… or ignore them.

Remembering the Horror

Remembering the Horror

The Holocaust reminds us that when one abandons God and His precepts, when one looks to government as the savior, a cult of death and destruction is but a step away.

Protecting Words

Protecting Words

Just as we go to great lengths to preserve the original copy of the Constitution, so the people at Qumran wanted to preserve the written fundamentals of their faith.